Copyright FAQ
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We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that Jagex copyrights are protected. Protecting our copyright is something that Jagex Ltd takes very seriously. To help, we have prepared some FAQs and a collection of graphics that you may use.

Q. Can I use some of your graphics on my website?
A. We have prepared a collection of graphics that we are happy for you to use. Click here to download them.

Q. Can I translate and publish on my website, an article or text taken from the Jagex, or RuneScape website.
A. You need to ask permission for this kind of activity. Please visit the Jagex corporate site for contact information regarding business relationships.

In all cases we retain copyright ownership and the right of approval in advance of you using any copyrighted material. We also retain the right to request anyone to remove the material.

All rights, including copyright and database right, in the RuneScape and Jagex websites and their contents, are owned by Jagex Ltd, or otherwise used by Jagex as permitted by applicable law.

This webpage and its contents is copyright 2004 Jagex Ltd
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