Fan Site FAQ
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Click a frequently asked question below to jump to the answer:

Is it ok for me to make a fan site?

Yes, of course. We encourage the creation of fan sites and many of our players use them to gain information about our game.

What sort of information should I display?

Well that's up to you. Most fan sites provide detailed information on most aspects of our game including things like items, skills, quests, monsters, developments etc..

Do you have any conditions that you would like Fan Sites to abide by?

Yes we do. Please see the below:

Can I advertise my website in RuneScape?

I am afraid not. Please see Rule 11 in our rules of conduct located within our manual area.

Rule 11. - You are not allowed to actively advertise in the RuneScape game or website. This includes advertising any website or product and no web addresses are allowed.

As you may know, some sites are used to harvest unsuspecting player passwords which spoils players enjoyment of the game. We take password security very seriously and have to enforce a rule whereby no websites are advertised in game.

Clearly this does an injustice against players who create websites designed to help the RuneScape Community, however, we need to ensure that player accounts are absolutely secure and to this end we have developed this policy. We hope that at some point in the future, this can change and more community sites will take the place of hack sites, for the time being though, account security is absolutely essential.

Is it possible to get a link on

Not at the moment. However we are looking into a system which will allow us to give the best fan sites an "official fan site" classification. Sites that gain this classification will be allowed to show an official graphic as well as having a link to their site from

We do not have a date yet as to when this will be happening, so please DO NOT email us in regards to one.

What we can tell you now is that when we do go ahead with this system Jagex will handpick "official" fan sites and we will contact you if we would like your site to receive an official acceptance. Please do not contact us regarding becoming an "official" fan site. Just concentrate on making your fan site high in quality and you will be doing your best to become accepted.

Can I use graphics from the RuneScape website?

As we are aware that fan sites want to help create a RuneScape atmosphere we have put together a pack of graphics that you may use.

This can be found in our Copyright FAQ - please do not use any graphics except the ones contained in this zip file.

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