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9th June 2024 - 04Scaper Grand Opening

Hello and welcome to the grand opening of the 04Scaper Server.

Some may wonder what the difference is between 04Scaper and 2004Scape. For the most part 04Scaper is a clone of 2004Scape which has been slightly modifed
for longterm legit play. That means no cheat commands, and no character resets unless you found a way to cheat anyway.

This server is only made possible by the open source nature of the 2004Scape Server and the kindness/help of the 2004Scape staff.

The server is owned by Myself RetroGamer02/Mod Retro and Tobzster/Mod Tobezster. We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay here so have fun! =)

View our non-affiliation disclaimer here.
Recreated and preserved in 2023 - 2024.