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24th June 2024 - Jungle Potion & Ranging Guild!

Jungle Potion & Ranging Guild!

The Quest Jungle Potion has been released!

Trufitus Shakaya believes he has contact with the Karamjan Gods, but he needs your help. Head down to Karamja to help him perform a ritual to communicate with the Gods. Remember an anti-poison, there are scorpions down there. You'll need to have 3 Herblore to start this quest.

The Ranging Guild has been released!

Requiring 40 Range to enter, this comes as something worth working for. Unlocking a variety of ranging shops, selling high quality armour to arrow. Think you are a Marksman? a Sharp Shooter? Bullseye! the Archery Competition is here. players can shoot targets and earn archery tickets, which can be used to buy rewards. The rewards are plentiful, Rune Arrows and Green Dragonhide Body's.

Global chat has entered 04Scaper.

We've seen a few players confused about how to speak globally. Global is a great way to organise trades, duels and meet-ups ingame. Therefore, to use the Global Chat, please use the following: ::g msg

Happy 04Scaping everyone!!

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