Tales from the Tavern
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Reldo writes:
This succinct historical account was recently donated to my Library anonymously.
Although I question its historical accuracy, It is an excellent example of late 4th century record keeping.

The Battle of Edgeville - by Dal Rown

he Battle of Edgeville occurred long ago during the Barbarian Invasion. The king of Misthalin, afraid of an attack, moved his troops to Edgville. At this same time the Barbarians put forth their attack on the town.

Much fighting occurred, many died, and much was destroyed in the hours of battle that took place. The General of the Barbarians was Vjurek the Strong. The General of the soldiers of Misthalin was Sir Wysten. Sir Wysten won the battle finally pushing back the Barbarians. The Barbarians were greatly weakened by the blow and their invasion ended soon afterward.

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