Tales from the Tavern
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Reldo writes:
Mythology has always sought to explain the world around us, and to justify the reasons behind why things are as they are.
This piece of folk lore follows this tradition in its explanation of a possible reason as to the well documented viciousness of dragons - perhaps there is a grain of truth to it?

Untitled - by Demon Draco

ne day, deep in the wild, there lived a great and powerful Red Dragon. This dragon had two children whom she loved very much, and they loved her as well. But on this day the mother Dragon went to get some food for her children, little did she know an amazingly strong killer was searching the wild at that moment for a worthy opponent.

While the Mother Dragon was taking one of those accursed sheep from near the Monestary, she felt like something bad was happening- she was right. When she returned home her children lay there motionless and breathless... they were dead. She then went on a terrible rampage, she delve deeper and deeper under the ground untill she had come upon the Lava Pits. Even now today she stays there hoping to kill the fool who had slain her children...

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